also , mitsumasa yonai who was active as a prime minister and a navy minister in the early showa era took pride in being the descendant of abe no sadato . また昭和初期に総理大臣・海軍大臣として活躍した米内光政も安倍貞任の末裔であると自負していた。
in the early showa era , the growth of the citrus market reached its first peak with cultivation of chinese citron and navel oranges imported from the usa . 昭和初期にはナツミカンやアメリカから輸入されたネーブルオレンジ等も広く栽培され、柑橘市場の成長は最初のピークを迎える。
this shows that the famous literary works and phrases of buddhism were common sense for a member of society and the educated person beyond the religious schools in the early showa era . 昭和初期には宗派を超えて、仏教の有名な著作やことばは、社会人・教養人の常識とされていたことがわかる。
ano zumi is a colloquial term for nozura zumi that came into use in the early showa era , meaning the stone walls that were laid by the ano-shu guild using mostly unprocessed natural stones . 穴太積みとは、野面積みを示す昭和初期に言われるようになった俗称であり、穴太衆が積んだ野面積みの石垣のこと。
he worked in mitsui noen farm (togoshi farm ), present dai-ichi engei , that mitsui-zaibatsu built with flowers and plants collected from all over the world during the meiji , taisho era and during and after the worlld war ii in the early showa era . 永島は明治、大正、昭和初期の戦中・戦後の時代に、三井財閥が世界各国から草花を集めて造った三井農園(戸越農園)、現在の第一園芸に務めた。